Thursday, January 28, 2010


28 January 2010 心晴



虽然花了一个小时 冲出拥挤的车龙来上班



不过 既然是属于您的

再坏的一天 也会变得越来越美好

再挣扎 也会过去

车龙再长 只祈求车、人平安就好

头发再乱 也要整理好心情 再次出击

就如您的话语 matt7:7 ask and you will receive

john15:5 apart from you, i can do nothing

matt6:33 see ye 1st the kingdom of God






Wednesday, January 27, 2010

little byte-sized revelations

27 Feb 傍晚 热!

i know why i have to get out of here Lord!
the need to be PC all the time is simply too tiring for my liking
every question, every answers are potentially 'loaded'
ask me now if i miss the previous working environment, it would be a resounding YES!
加上我真的不喜欢成天坐在办公椅上 以电邮的方式以示我的存在
眼睛累 心更累
天父 就如我之前的祷告,既然您已开启另一扇大门让我走出这个谷底
虚心祈求我能在新岗位上 再次如鱼得水
God of all gods, Lord of all lords,
you are truely in control
of all situations
of all plans
of all circumstances
Father, i ask of you to once again be the navigator of our lives
as i humbly serve you, in Jesus' most wonderful and merciful name


27 Feb 2010

As humans, we're always 'justifying' why we do certain things
Some things are justifiable
Some are not
Some are rightly justified
Some justifications are simply 'excuses' in disguise
At the end of the day, if we could stay true to one person, who would it be?
Some say it would be our spouse (a politically correct answer for married couples)
Some say to our parents
Some 'me-centric' fellow human beings might say 'to ourselves'
The truth of the matter is,
At times, we cant even be true to ourselves

My answer would be 'I wanna be true to you, God!'
Since God already knows our every cell, every hair, every move, every thought, every good, every bad, even before we were born, even before we confess it to Him....
Then wouldnt it be totally logically that we be true to Him?
with this blog, I hope to spend time talking to Him more, telling Him things that I wouldnt even tell hubby or mum or dad

Even when the world goes away, viruses come crashing every computer, laptop, server etc. My God will remember all the times we spent together on this website, every moment, every frustration, every joy, and every worry, Lord I share them with you.

Thanks for listening *huGZ*