Wednesday, January 27, 2010

little byte-sized revelations

27 Feb 傍晚 热!

i know why i have to get out of here Lord!
the need to be PC all the time is simply too tiring for my liking
every question, every answers are potentially 'loaded'
ask me now if i miss the previous working environment, it would be a resounding YES!
加上我真的不喜欢成天坐在办公椅上 以电邮的方式以示我的存在
眼睛累 心更累
天父 就如我之前的祷告,既然您已开启另一扇大门让我走出这个谷底
虚心祈求我能在新岗位上 再次如鱼得水
God of all gods, Lord of all lords,
you are truely in control
of all situations
of all plans
of all circumstances
Father, i ask of you to once again be the navigator of our lives
as i humbly serve you, in Jesus' most wonderful and merciful name

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